
Showing posts from April, 2021

404) Coronavirus and age of employment. (করোনাভাইরাস ও চাকরির বয়স।) - Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒️

 404 ) Coronavirus and age of employment. (করোনাভাইরাস ও চাকরির বয়স।) - Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒️  "Increase the age of employment due to the outbreak of corona virus." #Wisdom #Humanity #Education #Employment   For those whose employment and registration tests have been suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak, the time should be linked to their age.  Since 2020, employment tests have been postponed due to the corona virus, but the age is just passing.  For this reason, no one is to blame, but everyone is a victim of the situation.  Postponement of tests and increasing age, both due to coronavirus outbreak. So the time that has been postponed, if it is associated with age, then the appropriate decision has to be made.  🌟 For example: - The 17th teacher registration form was filled in February 2020, and the examination was to be held in May.  But due to the outbreak of corona virus, t...