
Showing posts from August, 2022

624)State power of Bangladesh and India.(ভারত ও বাংলাদেশের রাষ্ট্রক্ষমতা।) - Written by ✒

 August 23,2022 Tuesday 624 )State power of Bangladesh and India.(ভারত ও বাংলাদেশের রাষ্ট্রক্ষমতা।) - Written by ✒    "India will not put any party of Bangladesh in power, but India will not tolerate that government doing anything against India." #Politics #Wisdom #History #Welfare   Bangladesh is an independent and sovereign state.  Politically and administratively, Bangladesh is never dependent on any other country. But geographically and commercially Bangladesh was never beyond India's influence. (598)Bangladesh's love for India.(বাংলাদেশের ভারতপ্রীতি।)- Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒ )  🌟 India's counter action ✒   It was mainly through the direct intervention of India that Bangladesh gained independence from Pakistan and became an independent and sovereign state. India made Bangladesh independent from Pakistan, not

627)August 17 in 17 years.(সতেরো বছরে সতেরো আগস্ট।)-Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

Image 627)August 17 in 17 years.(সতেরো বছরে সতেরো আগস্ট।)-Written by

622)Murderers seventy-five. (পঁচাত্তরের খুনিরা।) - Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

 August 15,2022 Monday   622 seventy-five. (পঁচাত্তরের খুনিরা।) - Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒    "The murderers of 75 are not in the country now. But the behavior of the extreme opponents of Sheikh Hasina and the behavior of the murderers of 75 may be similar."  🌟 Murderers seventy-five ✒   The murderers of 75, that is, those who killed Bangabandhu and others on August 15, 1975, are not in the country. Some have been convicted and some are absconding abroad. So it can be said that the murderers of the 75th are no longer active.  🌟 Behavioral similarity ✒   The killers were active to remove Bangabandhu from power on August 15. And they did it themselves to seize power through arms.  Wanting to share power can never be a crime. Rather, the crime is undemocratic usurpation of power in a democratic country. Undemocratic seizure of power is considered a crime against any government