727)Remembering of 21 August grenade attack. – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

 727 http://aboutbangladeshjunayedmn1.blogspot.com/ )Remembering of 21 August grenade attack. – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman https://mywritingsjunayedmn1.blogspot.com/2019/12/about-me-junayed-ashrafur-rahman.html ✒ 

“21 August grenade attack was an aimless and losing attack by political some stupids.”


That attack was a completely aimless attack.

Because, those who did that attack, they have no political party.

For this reason, they are political aimless.

My time on 21 August 2004 ✒ 

At that time, I Junayed Ashrafur Rahman 

https://mywritingsjunayedmn1.blogspot.com/2019/12/about-me-junayed-ashrafur-rahman.html had admitted in the http://www.nubd.info/college/college.php?code=5217 at the department of business management H.S.C 

http://bit.ly/308og6W . 

And on that day (21 August 2004) I went to Kishoreganj town https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kishoreganj_District for buying various books.

Because, buying the books is one of my favorite hobbies of mine with the writing, martial arts, traveling, cooking..... 

My father had a big library of various books – but in my childhood, I had completed reading all the books of the library of my father.

For this reason, I interested in buying various books from the various places, such as :- Nandail 

🌟 https://en.M.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/nandail_upazila , 

Mymensingh city

🌟 https://en.M.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/mymensingh_city_corporation ,

 Kishoreganj 🌟 https://en.M.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/kishoreganj_district , 🌟 https://en.M.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/banglabazar , 🌟 https://en.M.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/nilkhet ..... 

As if in the future, I will can established own self.

Moreover, when I wanted money to my father – my father gave me money without counting.

Even, my father never asked me that, why need the money?

And also, next time my father never asked me that, how I cost that money.

Because my father knew that, I cost money for buying books, traveling, eating various imported foods from various countries and also eating in various food hotels.

That day (21 August 2004) was a normal day.

There were no political disorders in Bangladesh.

That day, I went to Kishoreganj at 10 - 11 a:m .

At first, I went to visit the home of Ishakha https://en.M.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/isa_khan , Jangalbari, Karimganj, Kishoreganj 

24°27'01"N 90°50'31"E


And did salat in mosque – which is aside Ishakha's home. 

Next, at 2:30 p:m I came back to borho (big) bazaar https://earth.App.Goo.Gl/uvzmjd - which is the biggest commercial and financial are of Kishoreganj.

At a food hotel in borho bazaar I ate lunch with three plates of fried rice, two plate of beef, one plate of salad and one bottle of Spanish red grape juice.

After eating, I met some known individuals and discussed the business of dry fish.

Though I went to Kishoreganj for buying books – but the visiting of Ishakha's home and discussing the business of dry fish were optional matters.

However, next I went to the library and bought various books.

Next, I met with my paternal one of cousin sisters and passed time about the various gossiping.

Before the evening, I started to go home

Hospital crossing, 5 no. Ward, Nandail Municipal, Nandail, Mymensingh, Bangladesh 

24°33'58.6"N 90°41'30.3"E 

https://goo.Gl/qn3u3q and i rented a rickshaw 

https://g.co/kgs/TN8g2A through the gaital buss terminal https://earth.App.Goo.Gl/vyvzj3 .

But when I was going to receive ticket of – the ticket master told to me,“Mama (brother of mother = local accost ), the news is terrible.”

I told to him, “What is going on ?”

He told to me,“There is showing news on the TV that, assembling of opposite leader (at that time) Mrs. Sheikh Hasina is attached by grenade.”

That news was unbelievable to me.

For this reason, I said him,“Are you joking with me?”

He said me,“Mama, i never jock with you. If you do not believe, you may see the news in near tea stall.”

For this reason, I cancelled the ticket and the ticket master gave ticket another passenger.

And I entered the nearest tea stall and ordered for cake and coffee.

I was eating and seeing that news - and I was become shocked.

After seeing the news, I paid the billing of cake and coffee - I received new ticket to go my home.

After coming home, I said my mother,“Tonight I will not eat dinner.”

My father and mother knew that, regularly I eat heavy food and sometimes I do hard diet control.

For this reason, my parent never stress me to eat dinner.

But knew from me about that grenade attack - my parents also become shocked, though they did not do political any party.

Al last, after freshing and bathing I slept without eating the dinner cause of that grenade attack.

Thus, I Junayed Ashrafur Rahman 

https://mywritingsjunayedmn1.blogspot.com/2019/12/about-me-junayed-ashrafur-rahman.html passed that (21 august, 2004) whole day.

Effect of that grenade attack ✒

By that grenade attack, many people martyred and injured.

 Mrs. (late) Ivy Rahman 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/t1twzp and another many persons killed by that attack.

And prime minister Sheikh Hasina 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/iuygng

Mr. Obaidul Quader 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/z18xgg

Former minister (late) Mr. Suranjit Sengupta 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/ptd23x

Mr. Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury Maya 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/zfa52t

Mr. Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/ddr3fu

And many people injured by that attack.

Reports and news of that attack ✒ 

Bangladeshi various tv channels maximally tried to publish the actual news of that attack. 

You may see that news through these links :- 

A ) https://youtu.Be/8tvnh8zfc4y

B ) https://youtu.Be/7fgb12nmgmk

C ) https://youtu.Be/p7m7s-0ymqc

Opinions of that attack ✒

After doing that attack, many persons expose their own opinions.

Any person of any country of the world can expose own opinion not only about 21 august 2004 - but also any happening of any time of the world.

Opinions and the descriptions of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

https://g.co/kgs/iuygng ✒

It is said that, she was the main target of that attack.

Next time, she described about that attack also exposed her opinions.

It is true that, judgement of that grenade attack done from the court - never by the opinion of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. 

 Description of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina ✒ 

A ) https://youtu.Be/v0wsrmqk87g

B ) https://youtu.Be/9kd_7jfeux8

Opinions of Mr. Tarique Zia 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/baxgh7 ✒

Though Mr. Tarique Zia is one of accused persons of that attack - also he exposed his own opinions about that attack.

 🌟 https://youtu.Be/rzoebkpg7v4

Opinions of Nazmul Hassan Papon 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/eqseu7 ✒ 

He is the son of Mrs. (late) Ivy Rahman 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/t1twzp . 

Next time, he described and exposed his opinions :-

🌟 https://youtu.Be/c0tufwcuqwy 

Opinion of Mr. Nurunnabi Chowdhury Shawn ✒ 

He exposed his own opinions according to his own knowledge.

🌟 https://youtu.Be/4mru9hdqhec

Opinions of BNP leaders ✒ 

Also various leaders of BNP exposed their own opinions about that attack. 

🌟 https://youtu.Be/9wohhun89wo

Disputing between the Awami League 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/xrkbuv and the BNP 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/difmrm ✒

Cause of political various issues awami league and bnp dispute against each - others.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina openly says that, Mr. Tarique Zia is a thief and his mother former prime minister Khaleda Zia 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/9k1ku5 is passing time in the jail cause of thieving the money of orphaned.

Also, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, former prime minister Khaleda Zia is the mother of thief.

And former minister Mr. Qamrul Islam 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/qc5wrt loudly says that , Mr. Tarique Zia is an international criminal and he operates criminal deeds from London.

Otherwise, Mr. Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/ddgtfu says, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is a dictator and she gives sorrows the human.......

However, these the matters of Awami League and BNP - never for the civil people.

Walk out from the parliament ✒

As the objection, awami league walked out from the parliament according to the style of movements.

Confession of Mufti Abdul Hannan 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/57xu1y ✒ 

He is one of the big leaders of militancy groups in Bangladesh. 

He confessed his attachment with that attack.

🌟 https://youtu.Be/4jdiiwrvwze 

But he was hanged cause of another case.

In the South Asia, big many politicians assassinated , such as :- 

Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/89usjq 

Former Prime Minister of India Mrs. Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/wbgqsm 

Mr. Rajiv Ratna Gandhi 

Former Prime Minister of India 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/c7fybv 

Mr. Ranasinghe Premadasa former President of Sri Lanka 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/rpktps 

Mrs. Benazir Bhutto 

🌟 https://g.Co/kgs/4z3na5 

But, it is time to stop assassination by the political nobility - as if every person can do politics any kinds of confine .



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